
So I work at a senior facility on a memory care floor and a resident who loves to fight fell forward on the floor trying to hit me. I ran and got the nurse we both witnessed him get off the floor. He was holding his knee so the nurse asked "are you okay?" And he said "yes" and he sat in the dinning area in dim light because it was overnight. The nurse never assessed him or anything after that. Another co worker of mine attempted to get him to go back to bed in which he did. Because of him attempting to harm me I Informed my co worker she would have to do rounds on him later because I didn't feel comfortable. That was last Wednesday night shift, I worked the rest of the weekend with him and I have no issues. I get a call from my boss Monday morning saying I'm suspended because"my name was given" as to been the one who put scratches on his face". I didn't even know he had scratches on his face. So now I'm suspended, they called me back on Tuesday morning at 9am and said the allegations were cleared and I could come back to work that night. Then called me again at 4pm and said they spoke too soon because the state has to do their investigation and say if I can come or not. So at this point I'm still suspended and don't know when I can come back. What happens now?? I can't believe this I've been working with the same resident for 3 years now.

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Did you fill out an incident report?

Follow routine protocol. MC facilities are aware that residents become combative and can make false accusations. However,
they are required by law to investigate.

April 1
Helpful Answer (3)
Rose93 Apr 2020
No I didn't I left it in the nurses hands which is why I went and got her. I called the d.o.n and reported it, I wrote a statement about the situation, and I told incoming shift about it at this point I think people just don't like me and want me gone.
Both you and the Nurse should have completed an incident report. the Nurse even though she did not "examine" him would have noted if he had scratches on the face. If an incident report was not completed it is difficult to recall the exact events. (the patient stating he was fine etc...)
It is difficult to "question" a person with dementia as they may not recall or may make up what happened.
ALL incidents need to be followed up.
I would not worry at this point, wait until the entire investigation is complete.
It might also be a good idea that it becomes customary that any resident that has a tendency to become violent be tended to with 2 people for the safety of the resident as well as the staff.
Hate to say this but at this time you are probably safer at home.
Helpful Answer (5)
Rose93 Apr 2020
Im worried because I've never been in this situation before and I have 3 jobs surrounding the healthcare field I can't be having people lieing saying I'm abusing folks.
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