
My birthday is tomorrow and my sister said she wanted to take me out to eat so I was really excited. I said yes and told her how nice it would be get away from our mom (who I care for and lives with me) as we haven't been getting along well lately. My sister than says 'oh I was thinking of taking her and her daughter (my niece) with but we can leave them home'. I said I needed some time away from our mom so we planned to leave them home. Today I messaged her to make sure we were still on and she asks if she can bring daughter with 'as she really wants to go out to eat'. I said if she comes we might as well bring mom with. So she's waiting for me tell her if they can come or not. My decision, of course. If I say no, I'm the a**hole, and if I say yes, it's basically going to be a chore to go. My niece is 11, talks constantly and needs to be the center of attention wherever she is, my mom takes ten minutes to walk fifty steps, will probably be in pain and I can't exactly vent about her when she's sitting right next to me.

I don't even want to go anymore, I'd rather the three of them went and brought me home the leftovers. I want to be around an adult I can talk to, my life is work, going to the grocery store, taking my dog for a walk, and being around my mom. I just feel like the wind is being knocked out of my sails, she already knew I didn't want them to come, she just wants me to say yes so she can knock out two birds with one stone. If the three of us go and leave my mom home, that will hurt her feelings. If I say I don't want to go, my sister will call me 'dramatic'. I'm hurt, sad, angry and alone.

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I hope you had a good birthday whatever you decided to do. I understand where you are coming from. When I was still caring for my Mom the odd time one of my sisters helped she always brought her daughter (my niece). This particular niece is trouble. You name it, she's done it. Drugs, etc. I just once would have liked her to not be in tow. Even after Mom passed when I would suggest to sis on the anniversary of mom's death lets go to mom's bench she would pull up in the car with niece. Then the whole day was ruined, for me at least.

So I get how you are feeling. I hope that you managed to eke out a good day for yourself. Try and get away even when it's not your B'Day. It would do you good. I know it's hard to do but very important you try.
Helpful Answer (1)

Hey Birthday Girl, how was YOUR day? Yes, I'm being nosy but even more, I am really hoping to find out that you had a great birthday !
Helpful Answer (1)

Just a thought- to hell with that whole plan! Treat yourself to some 'me' time and go to Massage Envy and get a massage. You can vent to the therapist (I do) and you'll feel great! Give yourself some love on YOUR terms on YOUR birthday. After your massage, stop and get a gnarly awesome piece of cheesecake go to a park and marvel in your cake, yourself and the moment! Oh, happy birthday!
Helpful Answer (3)

If it's a choice between mom and niece or staying home I would have told sis to bring take out to the house, at least you get a semi decent meal out of it and you can always go to your room with a "headache" right after dinner and let the three of them visit together.

Happy bday ;)
Helpful Answer (2)

I don’t have a good answer for you but just wanted to give a word of support. I know firsthand how mentally draining it is to care for an elderly parent. I also know how frustrating it is when siblings come from out of town to visit and want to go out, then add mom on to the equation. Same as you I just want time with them and away from mom so I can vent. I share your mental exhaust on this. Hang in there with this and try to get some help with your mom. I hope you are able to find some fun and REST for your birthday.
Helpful Answer (2)

Today is only one day out of 31 days of your birthday month.

So Happy Birthday!

From me and so many caregivers understanding just how it is, and wanting to acknowledge your feelings about your birthday.
Helpful Answer (5)

Oh I feel for you. The thought of going out for a dinner untethered...but then the guilt. Would your sister ever take Mom for a while so you could have some me time?
Helpful Answer (1)
EmotionallyNumb Jan 2019
Not really, she's married and her husband would be uncomfortable with her being there for very long. She also doesn't have the patience for a lot of the things that take my mom a long time to do.
Just repeat what you said before: you would like to go with your sister but not mother or niece. Sure she knows that already, but why should you change your story? You can sweeten the pill by saying how much your mother would enjoy going out with sister and niece another time. It's a better option than leaving mother at home alone, or cancelling altogether.
Helpful Answer (1)
EmotionallyNumb Jan 2019
I explained to her then cancelled. She didn't want to take mom and niece alone.
Happy Birthday!!!

Maybe one gift you could give to yourself is stop worrying what other people think? Doesn't sound like your sister is too concerned about what you think. Or, heck, kick it up a notch and give her an actual reason to call you 'dramatic'. Just kidding, kinda anyway. Sounds like you need some help taking care of her. It's out there, just takes while to figure out the best options.
Helpful Answer (1)
EmotionallyNumb Jan 2019
Thank you.
I guess you just can't be honest with your sister and tell her you just wanted a meal out with her and her alone so you can have an adult conversation. Maybe have cake afterwards with mom and niece.

While I am not my father's hands on caregiver I totally get what you are saying about how much work it is to include your mom in ANYTHING. We might make plans for a family dinner out and one of my kids suggest we take Grandpa. Except I am the one who has to go get him and bring him home. I am the one who has to take him to the bathroom and I am the one paying for his meal. Now that they are adults I have learned to speak up and ask for help. Having Grandpa over for a holiday...well then someone has to help bring him one way.

This birthday is a bust but afterwards have a heart to heart with your sister and tell her you need one on one time with just her to vent and recharge. I am sure she just doesn't get how hard it is.
Helpful Answer (4)
EmotionallyNumb Jan 2019
I did tell her that I was excited because it would just be her and I, without kids, husbands or my mom. But she already knew I wanted it to be just us then she asks again about bringing the kiddo. I suggested she take mom and the kiddo and leave me home, she didn't want to do that.
EmotionallyNumb, happy birthday!

You sound seriously burnt out. Is there any way to plan a break from caregiving? Can you ask your sister to come over while you go to a movie, call a friend and talk while strolling at the mall, relax at a cafe, etc? I hope so!

Or is it time to reassess the whole deal?
Helpful Answer (2)

I told my sister to take niece and mom instead and she said no. She said she invited me out and isn't taking them out for my birthday. I said it would be nice to be alone for a while, I could do some stuff around the house and have mom gone. She said if I don't want to go, that's fine but it's slippery out and it would be a lot of work to take mom. She said if I want to get out for a few hours then come with.

I don't want to anymore, I think at this point it would be awkward. I'm just really tired and want to be alone.
Helpful Answer (1)
bettina Jan 2019
And that is so completely understandable and normal. Once I spent my birthday alone in a comfy little hotel room and ordered room service for a meal . One of my best birthdays ever. Sounds like you need some much
needed respite and time to decompress without having to always be "on"

Your sister is being an ass imho. Sorry just had to say it.
Just want to say Happy Birthday. Hire a babysitter and do something for yourself.
Helpful Answer (3)
EmotionallyNumb Jan 2019
Thank you.
Happy Birthday!
When disappointed about the day, rename it your birthday month.
Go anywhere, get your own presents, spend time with good people.

Get yourself some chocolate.

Call in sick for the chaotic toxic non-birthday birthday party. (At the last minute).
You can rise above it.

Or, ask sister and neice to bring the entire party to you at home. Where Mom can be there. Then, excuse yourself early, go out and leave them to watch Mom.
(However, you can be a gracious receiver instead of a brat). I prefer the brat method. But it feels good to contemplate being bratty to let off steam, to know you have choices, but I never actually do it.

Go out any day of your birthday month.
Helpful Answer (6)

If I didn't want to go, I just wouldn't.  Period. Why would you care whether anyone thought ill of you?
Helpful Answer (2)

I would get mom in sisters car and say I'll be home around 7, 8pm or whatever, hope you all enjoy your time together, I am going too.

It's your birthday you can cry if you want to, you can send mom with her other daughter and energizer granddaughter and go do something for you.

When you can't please everyone, please yourself on your birthday. I am completely selfish on my birthday and I tell everyone if they don't like it, tell someone who cares. That is the only day of the year that is mine and I am not going to let anyone ruin it for me. Do the same and don't put up with any bs about it.

Helpful Answer (8)

Your ideal way to spend your birthday simply really doesn't exist because of how your sister is behaving and her lack of concern for your needs. Perhaps you could fake illness and at some point celebrate yourself even if its by yourself because right now you are your own best friend. Being with someone else just for the sake of it when that is a person who does not have genuine feelings for your concerns is not really having quality time. I hope in time you find in life someone who will really be there for you. I hope you can celebrate yourself.
Helpful Answer (4)

I would find someone else to be your support. What your sister did falls under the category of being indifferent or worse manipulative. The question that comes to my mind is why are you so burnt out when your sister should be available to help your Mom as well?

Either way you need someone you can count on to be there to support you and help celebrate your life. As of right now your sister does not appear to be that
Helpful Answer (6)
bettina Jan 2019
Forgot to add .... Happy Birthday!!! Hope you get to do something fun for
yourself tomorrow, even if it's just on your own. :)
See 1 more reply
Happy Birthday!!!!!
I don’t really have any advice other than to say it sounds like you need & a deserve a break! On your birthday You should get to do what you want with whoever you want. I’ve got an 11 year old too so know I what you mean there. I leave her at home whenever possible because 11 is a difficult age.
Helpful Answer (4)

It sounds like you have caregiver burnout. I agree that whatever you end up doing tomorrow, it's going to piss off somebody. You know, it's your birthday. Why don't you choose the option that makes you happiest?

Sounds like you could use a few more supportive adults in your life. Maybe you could look into a caregiver support group? People on this site will have good suggestions.

Happy Birthday!
Helpful Answer (4)
EmotionallyNumb Jan 2019
It just makes me look like an ass now if I don't go but if I do, it'll be awkward. I need to make some decisions in my life.
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