I'm late to this question but my mom did very well on mirtazapine, not only did she sleep through the night she was more herself during the day (at least in the early stages)
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to cwillie

You don't give many details about your LO, but for my very elderly Aunt with advanced dementia, her family caregivers were giving her Tylenol PM and melatonin but it eventually stopped working. We then started keeping her busier during the day: folding a large quantity of kitchen towels, sorting things, walking her around the house, having her read out loud to us. All this burned both physical and mental energy. She went to bed at 10pm and woke up at 9am (we woke her up). During the day she'd have a 1.5-ish hour nap. Eventually this stopped working as well.

FYI melatonin is not a sleep aid: it occurs naturally in our bodies and is released with it is time to sleep according to our circadian rhythm. If one's rhythm is off, not sure it has any benefit. Even thought it is considered a food supplement and "natural" it is still a chemical of sorts since it is synthetically produced and the primary physician should be informed of its use.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to Geaton777

Have you talked to your mothers doctor about this issue, as they will know best.
But in the meantime have you tried melatonin? You could start her on 3 mg. to start and see if that helps. That is all natural and won't interfere with any of her other medications.
My late husband had vascular dementia and only had sleep issues when his incontinence was out of control and we were getting up every hour on the hour to pee. Eventually he had a supra pubic catheter put in, and we both were able to finally get a good nights sleep.
And for about the last year of his life he slept anywhere from 16-20 hours a day, so hopefully that will happen for your mother as well.
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to funkygrandma59

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