
Does anyone have a PSC that was drawn up by a lawyer? The lawyer who did Mom's will wants $4,000 to do the PSC. Is that a reasonable amount?

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I think her (the lawyer's) idea was to use this as a way to protect some of Mom's assets should she need to go into a SNF. I read posts on this forum by people whose LO's are in SNFs and honestly can't conceive of how you afford it. It seems to me that she will have to liquidate all her assets and pay down until she has nothing--then go on Medicaid.
I've decided to get some input from a few Elder Law Attorneys before paying anyone anything.
Just some backstory: Mom is 89, and was living independently up until August when she fell and broke her hip. She has recovered remarkably, but now needs a walker. I don't feel comfortable having her live alone so she now lives with me. This has made me think a lot about planning for the future.

Thanks for your replies.
Helpful Answer (1)

It doesn’t sound like he wants the job! Is he a certified elder care attorney? Does your mom have an especially large estate or complicated condition? Litigious family?

Just curious, what did he charge for the will?

Why not start with the contract online? Maybe read that and see if it raises red flags in your mom’s case.

I remember that Suze Orman suggested on one of her products something similar to what others have suggested. Prepare the document and take it to a qualified and experienced attorney (NAELA or CELA) and ask them to check it over.
Thanks for your question and do come back and educate us on what you learn.
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That is a lot! NOLO has one for eldercare that you can download. Then have an attorney who works by the hour double-check it to be sure that everything specific to your situation is covered.
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Wow! That sounds like a lot of money. I haven't had a PSC done before, but I would think the lawyer would start from a pre-printed form and personalize it to fit your situation. That shouldn't take for than a couple of hours. Ask him how much he charges per hour? My guess is $250 - $350 is the normal range.

If he has to start the contract from scratch then he's not the right lawyer. I would check out another lawyer, one who does this often, and would know the ins and outs.

Please share what you find out. It might be helpful for other caregivers here.
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