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They have been married for 70 years. Who cares? They must be in their nineties now. Your mom sounds passive aggressive. She should be a real treat to deal with as her needs increase the older she gets. I would not board a new puppy.
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PeggySue2020 Jul 2022
That’s really cold hearted, sp. Being married for 70 years isn’t something to be dismissed just because the elders are in their 90s. This may be one of the last memories they have.

To deprioritize that simply because you don’t want to board your pet at a licensed facility for a couple days? That’s what it comes down to.
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If this is just about the dog, you can board it for the visit. There may well be other reasons, like you don’t really want to go, but simply not leaving your dog for a couple of days is a a poor excuse.
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Board the puppy.
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maximus1 Jul 2022
Would you be able to listen to a puppy barking in distress for more than 5 hours in the airport and on the plane? My parents are welcome to come to our home for a month! I would never board my dogs either and neither would they! I just wanted to know what to say to my parents.
Can yiu not get a family member to care for the puppy? Kennel him?
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