
What type (brand recs) of shampoo are good for elderly? My grandmother is 95... she’s saying the ones that she’s been using now make her itch. We’ve recently had to switch body creams also.

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It depends what is causing the itching. She may need a dandruff shampoo, or perhaps her head isn't being rinsed enough. Baby shampoos are gentle and may rinse out more easily, they are also designed to not sting if they get in the eyes, useful if you are helping her in the shower.
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I use baby shampoo doesn’t hurt the eyes gentle on hair smells great
Maldonado can be used on the body with no problem
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Funny you should mention having to switch her body cream, too...

Like CW, I wondered if perhaps she was having trouble rinsing properly; but if other products are causing problems as well then this does sound as if the itching might have an underlying cause - perhaps more systemic than limited to local irritation of her scalp or her skin. Are all of her other systems ticking over nicely, is she regularly monitored for things like kidney function, hydration?

Most modern shampoos and shower/bath toiletries are sooooooo carefully checked for allergens and dodgy chemicals that I'd be surprised if the shampoo is the real villain.

Having said that - I do tend to stick to pure vegetable oil soaps more than I used to bother to, finding that they don't dry and irritate my hands. Maybe have a look at the labels and see if there's anything you want to avoid.

Aveeno is supposed to be a good brand for sensitive types.
E45 is hypoallergenic and prescribed for people with skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and uraemia.
If you look at continence care and disability care websites, you will also find good ranges of products purpose-designed for elderly people and vulnerable patients.

Also, first things last - ! - someone has had a good look and made sure grandmother hasn't picked up any "little visitors" from somewhere, have they? Nits, mites, bedbugs and the rest of the gang aren't fussy about who they pick on.
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Some shampoos make my head itch, too. Something in them is giving her an allergic reaction. I agree with the baby shampoo but you make just need to try various samples until you find one that works.
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Although the itching could be from her shampoo, also look at every side effect of any medication she is on. Some make one feel as if one's skin is crawling or itching.
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Baby shampoo for both hair and body. Stopped lots of the itching problems for my mom.
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I can't use anything with scents or color any more. I like Aveeno. I've even had to go to scent-free and dye-free laundry products. Thorough rinsing is also important, as others have mentioned. Also think about the towel you are drying her with. Use a gentle, patting motion, not vigorously rubbing. Oh, we get such delicate skin as we age, don't we? Bless you for taking such good care of your LO. Incidentally, some people are very sensitive to tea tree oil - on me it burns like fire! If this happens, buttermilk seems to neutralize it. Good luck!
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gdaughter Mar 2019
My mom has dementia and I was letting her be as functional as she could, so letting her in the laundry room to do her and my dad's day I passed and saw her not measuring, but doing a couple loops of detergent pouring into the washer. At one point during the summer I came home to find dad complaining of a rash. After 5 PM. Knew we wouldn't get into the MD office till the next day and he believed it could wait...until 8:30 when he was outside my door very distressed. Urgent care which was nearest and closed at 9 locked their door to turn people away! So we wound up in the ER for what was dx as HIVES. I wasn't sure it was so didn't want to take any chances. Nurse said it could be 1000 reasons...but I suspected it was too much detergent and not using the 2nd rinse cycle...Needless to say I have not only taken over but we use unscented which I always did anyhow. Just because I hate multiple scents on everything including humans!
Look on the label to see if her shampoo contains the preservative “Methylisothiazolinone”. This is a preservative used in many shampoos, conditioners, body washes, etc. and can cause contact dermatitis. My entire family can’t use any product containing it or they start itching and sometimes develop a rash. HTH
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Hi Everyone thanks for your answers.
I've communicated with my uncle - her primary care giver your responses...
Just to respond to some of the other notes and questions

She uses Amla Hair oil on her hair scalp/after washing - shes used it her whole life and that part is just fine - remoisturizes and theres not flakes or dandruff happening.

We switched her onto moisturizing baby lotion (like the pink j&j kind) so that seems to be fine... the previous cream was a vegan, glycerin/cocobutter based based cream scented with rose oil - so overall surprised after 3 months of use it gave her rashes.

I do suspect that part of the issue is the house has hard water and her skin is thin and sensitive right now just by age.

I have massive skin allergies myself from the other side of the family and have reactions to the hard water when i'm there (and if anyone cares lol
most mainstream dish soap makes my skin peel and shaving blades, wool, some shampoo brands, cardboard, floral foam - to name a few of the many things - all give me hives... so i'm a general skin nightmare)

so as a result the things were giving her are on the most part natural or geared for the sensitive skin side realm...

Thanks Again.
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MaryKathleen Mar 2019
Oh, boy do I understand what you go through. Not only do I have skin problems but my poor red headed white skinned daughter does too. Mine aren't as bad as yours and hers. My heart goes out to you.
If she showers Johnson and Johnson baby shampoo. If she is bedbound then amazon has this great blow up hairwashing station for use in bed you can buy for about 20-25 dollars. If you have been using that no rinse stuff stop! All it is scented water with alcohol in it and it causes people to have cradle cap. Get some cradle cap shampoo to get the scalp clean and sweat/dirt free. Then you can switch to J&J. Did this with mom and she is sooooo much happier.
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JesusLove1976 Mar 2019
Glad I read this! See if I try cradle cap stuff for my eczema on my scalp. My hair type only allows me to wash every week or two, but I am ready to rip my scalp the next day or two after washing and scratching my scalp under running water.
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