
Mom’s elderly, male neighbor drives her around in her car, as her license revoked 1+ years ago (she won’t see a doctor to be assessed for MCI diagnosis). She is current with car insurance payments. I want to go to local police, but a receptionist who works there also works at the diner Mom goes to, and ‘knows’ Mom. What happens if I call State Police?

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Kats, I understand that you are trying to act as a caring daughter. But if mom has capacity (and she seems to) then there is little you can do.

There is no "treatment" for vascular dementia.

Just make sure that she understands that you will not be coming to rescue her when she needs more care.
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Katsmihur Jul 2022
Thanks, Barb. She is fine with not being involved with my family. She won’t ask me for help and has never taken me up on any offer we have made. Highly doubt she will want us to rescue her, if needed.
what do you want to go to police for?
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Katsmihur, people forget to update their "inspection" stickers all the time. It's no big deal. If a person is stopped, usually the police would give them a warning notice.

Surprised the male neighbor hadn't notice the expired sticker since it is on the front windshield. Now is a good time to go to the inspection stations/garages as the lines are very short.
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notgoodenough Jul 2022
I've missed my inspection sticker being expired. It happens.

But you're right, it's really not a big deal.
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I would either try to get the sticker up to date, or try to stop anyone from driving it. Any time someone is in an accident of any significance, lawyers will use anything and everything they can against the owner of the car. Not that they could make a huge thing about it, but it is a sign of 'negligence'. You really want to be 'by the book', when it comes to anything involving motor vehicles.
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If your Moms friend is driving why do you want to take that independence away from your Mom? Whose going to drive her if the friend can't. In my state, Mom would probably get a warning to get her car inspected. It really isn't a tow away offense. How hard is it to get inspected? For me its just a matter of driving to the DMV inspection station. Some States its local gas stations that have the authority to do inspections. Just get it inspected for her.
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Katsmihur Jul 2022
Didn’t say I want to take her independence. I’m asking the question to possibly prevent further issues for her. She has other friends (using that term loosely) who are waitstaff at the diner and solicits them to drive her. Other ‘friends’ at the diner drive her too.

I can’t just get her car inspected for her. She is paranoid and I would not be ‘allowed’ to do that for her. She ‘can do it herself’, but doesn’t happen.
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UPDATE: APS investigator called yesterday with questions about Mom’s finances - how much SS each month, spoke about the reverse mortgage, current account balances, A pointed question-would I write her checks to pay her bills, if it came to that. Replied yes. Said she had visited Mom and is planning another visit. She did not comment on things I told her, including mom not recognizing me at the diner.

i cannot believe mom would agree to have me write her checks. She doesn’t want me in her house!
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UPDATE: went to moms house after she didn’t show up at the diner yesterday. No surprise air conditioning was off, doors and windows shut tight and she was sweating. To be clear, she doesn’t perform any activity TO sweat. Her hair was hanging, uncurled - the likes I’ve never seen …. She wouldn’t let me in, so I really couldn’t say if there were food containers around or not. I asked her if she understood how dangerous the heat has been here and said she just didn’t feel she needed AC on. But she seemed dragged out. Told her a therapeutic fib that family has phoned her, but no answer. Asked her what was wrong, and said ‘life’.

I called the APS investigator today and surprised I got through. told her this has been moms summertime pattern since dad died. It’s so sad. Just no reason for her to live this way. Investigator said she has been calling mom this week to set up a next meeting, but no answer. After hearing from me, she said she would stop by unannounced, tomorrow.
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In my state you can't get your registration renewed without a successful inspection. If you fail the inspection, you have to fix whatever failed and get it re-inspected (and pass) before you can complete your registration renewal. And it is annually. They mail out the registration renewal reminder about 6-8 weeks before it is due as a reminder that you need to get it inspected, you get it inspected and then do the registration (online or in person or you can mail back the registration reminder card they sent out) - then they send out the actual registration with the sticker.

So I suppose it depends on where you live how important the actual inspection really is. If you haven't had the car inspected here it means the car isn't registered either.
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It is surprising how different States run their DMV.

In NJ, registration is done yearly. Inspection is every 2 years, I think. If its a brand new car, its 5 years. We do not have to prove an updated inspection to get registered.

Now my brother lives in NC and he is "taxed" for his cars and its quite a lot more than I pay in registration.
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Kat, I've read your responses, and I'm still not sure what you are hoping to accomplish or why. But if you're hope is to get mom's car removed from her, an expired inspection sticker in the state of PA is not going to accomplish that. In fact, I think I read in the statute that it's only a $25.00 fine for an expired inspection.

But if you don't believe me, by all means, call the State Police. If nothing else, they might have an idea of how you can get mom's car away from her if you believe it is too dangerous for her to be driving. But I doubt very much if it will be removed on the basis of this inspection sticker, regardless of how long it's been expired.
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