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All of these insurances pay for homecare aides. Medicare and Medicaid do not pay for caregivers who work independently or are family members to the care client.

United Healthcare will pay for a private homecare CNA who meets their criteria. They don't pay family though.
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Ellen, you are speaking for a Forum of caregivers and ex caregivers, mostly family members, from all around the world. We don't get paid by anybody for anything through anything.

Medicare decides who they pay and for what.
Medicaid decides (federal and state combined program so differs by state) what they will pay and for what.
Each individual insurance company/plan decided what it will pay for anything.

Not certain who you are addressing here, but it isn't us.
We are just here to answer questions caregivers have about their loved ones.
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We are not a care agency. We do not hire aides. We r forum of Caregivers sharing our experiences.

Burnt owns an aide business so knows more than I do when it comes to who pays. Not all agencies have to except Medicaid. Actually, they have to be contracted with Medicaid to receive payment. Medicare, is limited to what care they would pay for. Fulltime aides are not one of those things. United, I have no idea what they would pay but then again, the agency has to be contracted with UH.

And as Burnt said, private aides cannot get paid by these 3.
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