
Why is that my mother in law won't wake up after being sedated for 1 week? She had Covid and had her both lungs really bad. They had to put a tube in both lungs to take out air that had been in the outside of the lungs. She is on a ventilator.

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This is a question for your mom's doctor. I know there is a nurse here (AlvaDeer), and she may give you the correct information, but I think people are sedated if they're on ventilators, especially if it's for a period of time.
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Saidy, is your Mom still on the ventilator? If not, when was it removed?
Mom will be kept sedated while she is on the ventilator to keep her comfortable, and so she doesn't attempt to remove it.
Your Mom had covid-19 pneumonia. The pneumonia fills the lungs with infection and makes it difficult to draw in oxygen and air. The ventilator is set to administer breathes to her while her lungs aren't strong enough to do it. Sometimes the pneumonia is so bad that the ventilator isn't strong enough to get enough good air in. This can cause a lack of O2 to the brain, and can cause some brain cell damage.
So while Mom is needing ventilator she will be very sleepy. When the ventilator is removed, speak to the doctors and nurses if Mom doesn't awaken within a few days. If your Mom doesn't awaken after sedation is removed, then they will want to know why as much as you do, and they will begin tests. They are the best ones to inform you. There may be brain scans and test to see if there were any clots to the brain during the illness (a complication in Covid cases).
I am hoping you are telling us that the doctors believe the pneumonia is improved and your Mom is now off the ventilator. She should awaken; if she doesn't that means something else is happening. Talk to the doctors and nurses. Only they know what is happening in your Mom's specific case. Do remember that your Mom when she awakens may be very confused. People who are sedated heavily for some days have a hard time adjusting. Even without ventilators, people who are in Intensive Care Units have amnesia and confusion and forgetfulness about the whole incident.
Wishing you good luck. How old is your Mom? My brother's friend recovered from Covid-19; is in his 70s. It was a long recovery to get back on his feet. He had to go to rehab to learn to walk again basically. He remains a bit more forgetful now even after three months.
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Saidy, how is your Mom doing today?
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