My wife and I are covered by Medicaid, In August I will switch to Medicare. I retired and draw SS which qualified us for Medicaid, In August they will switch me to Medicare. Wondering if wife will still be covered by Medicaid, or will she have to apply. My SS is our only income?
If you were on SSDI/SSI for disability, prior to it converting to SSI Retirement, you might notice a bit of a decrease in the amount received, which is common when Disability converts to Retirement, for many recipients.
SSI disability is approximately similar to welfare, but recipients usually get more on that, than on straight welfare.
SSDI disability is for those who worked enough quarters, to qualify, so they get more than those on SSI Disability.
IF you were only receiving welfare, prior to starting your SSI retirement, your income might increase, and that might change your Welfare qualifications....unless you are still under-income with your Social Security.
One difference is, now you will also have MediCare [but your spouse won't, until she reaches retirement age].
MediCare reimburses better than likely you get to choose from a few more Docs, than Medicaid your choices for care might increase a bit.
===IF you are under income, the normal, MediCare monthly premium that is deducted from the Social Security check/deposit, _can_ be paid for by a Federal program administered by State DSHS be sure to ask your Case Worker about that. That can free-up a bit over $100 per month that would normally be deducted.
===Talk with your Case Worker about your Social Security. They can tell you more exactly, what to expect from DSHS, now that your Social Security has begun.
All disabled persons on SSDI/SSI, and Maybe SSI Retirement, need to contact your legislators QUICK_ Tell them what you want them to do about the Social Security shortfall issue. They are debating how to handle the shortfalls in the funds.
Their solution so far most discussed, is to cut everyone's monthly checks by something like 19%, to keep funds coming longer than a year. The threat was, that if no cut is made, the funds will evaporate after about a year.
Some legislators propose to make even larger cuts.
I have not heard whether anyone suggests increasing payroll deductions [which would make more sense].
DSHS offices spent the last several years trying to move qualifying DSHS recipients over to Federal Disability coverage, to relieve State's,
DSHS offices are on tenterhooks; they know that if big cuts in Social Security happen, loads of SSI/SSDI recipients will be back to seeking help from State DSHS, when States are mostly broke and cannot afford to fill in the gaps.
State DSHS statistics look good on paper, sort of, in that they can claim they are "helping notably more people"--unfortunately, they are helping them with far less amounts, and some services have been being cut.
A certain amount of this debacle, is related to some factions wanting desperately to Privatize Social Security.....that would be very bad....privatization has ruined every service it has gotten control of, for almost the past 100 years.
So please, contact your legislators, to tell them what you think they should do to solve this crisis, before it's too late! [if it's not already too late]