
My wife gives me money by way of selling a house. She gives that money as a gift to me to build the house in a plot which is in my name

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I suspect you have some ancillary complicating issues if you're structuring a house sale that way.

As to the question of "should she pay tax?" - that's really a theoretical question because of what people should or shouldn't be obligated for on the tax issue. If you're asking "what would she have to pay, if anything", that's really a question for a CPA or tax attorney.

There isn't enough information provided for anyone to answer what level, if any, of taxation this transfer would invoke.
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It is my (non professional) understanding that we delay paying the taxes due on the sale of a house by buying or building another house that is worth more than the one we sold. Eventually we make the last sale without a purchase and that's when we pay the piper, so to speak.

However, you are talking about selling in one name and purchasing in another. I don't think that will count. It might vary in other countries, and even in the US it could vary depending on how the gift is handled. Because that's what it is. A gift of the money to build a house. So it will probably be subject to gift taxes. It will be income for you.

I would very definitely consult a real estate attorney or CPA as previously advised. This is too complicated to guess or to play around with.
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