My mother was getting a B12 shot every month. But because of going to hospital 2x and rehab 2x she has not had it in over 2 months. She is not doing well in physical therapy and is very tired all the time. They are getting ready to do another evaluation with hospice. I am not sure. Just wondering how fast could your B12 levels go down with someone who has a B12 deficiency.
My dad was feeling very weak, tired and was quite IRRITABLE and snappish. I didn’t realize he hadn’t been able to leave my mother to even go get his shot!
But YES, elders are very sensitive about missing their B12 and it can have noticeable effects on their mental function and their moods.
Still. It's a simple test and a simple px. Get the rehab team to run and find out!
They'll call in a doctor - but you want that too.
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