
My Dad has dementia. His teeth are rotting and falling out. He does not have any infections (took him to the dentist yesterday) My question is do you think I should get him dentures. My thoughts are no because I don't think he would understand how to use them. Anyone else have this issue? Any suggestions?

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Well, he could aspirate a tooth that is falling out. And he might not be able to say he is in pain but it could make him cranky. I took my mom to get a couple extractions and it was worthwhile; she tolerated it with local and a lot of assist to get into the dentist chair. Dentures +/- unless he could get reliable help with them, but extracting really bad teeth that are not helping him chew would probably be reasonable. Tough call!
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I would agree with vstephans about removing really wrotten teeth. Dentures are another matter because he is just as likely to refuse to wear them.
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I would not put him through the pain of extracting the remaining teeth or the expense of dentures.
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Thank you!
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