Caregiver Stress

  • Improving Caregiver Well-Being

    Caregiving is often stressful and can lead to a dangerous condition called caregiver burnout. When your day-to-day life revolves around someone else, how do you begin to make yourself a priority?

  • Signs of Caregiver Burnout

    Learn how to recognize the subtle signs of increasing stress, understand your limits and maintain honest self-awareness throughout the caregiving journey to stop burnout in its tracks.

  • Are Caregivers at Higher Risk for Fibromyalgia?

    Caregivers are under a tremendous amount of physical strain and stress. Does caregiving lead to fibromyalgia, a painful condition that causes long-term, body-wide pain?

  • Go Ahead, Have a Good Cry: 5 Reasons Why It's Good for You

    While it is often seen as a sign of weakness, crying relieves stress that, if left unchecked, can negatively affect one’s physical and mental health.

  • 10 Common Caregiver Confessions

    Negative thoughts are a normal reaction to stressful situations. Instead of feeling guilty, caregivers must acknowledge these difficult feelings and seek out solutions to achieve a better care experience for themselves and their loved ones.

  • Yoga for Caregivers: The Natural Way to Relieve Stress & Pain

    Yoga can help caregivers relieve stress, ease pain, and increase wellbeing. It's a great way to practice self care while taking care of an elderly parent.

  • Find Care & Housing
  • Shingles: A Painful Skin Condition

    Advanced age and a compromised immune system can make seniors more susceptible to shingles, a disease that affects the nerves and causes a painful, blistering skin rash.

  • The Connection Between Aging, Insomnia and Memory Loss

    Insomnia is a bothersome condition often associated with fragmented sleep and fatigue. But when chronic sleep deprivation is left unchecked, it can take a serious toll on a senior’s physical and mental health.

  • The Importance of Counseling for Caregivers

    Caring for an aging loved one is a mentally and physically demanding job. Learn how caregiver counseling can help you achieve emotional stability and provide quality care.

  • The Healing Power of Pets for Seniors

    Owning a pet can bring elders a tremendous amount of joy and a renewed sense of purpose. No matter the type of animal, pets can have a beneficial impact on both an older adult’s mental and physical health.

  • Time Management Techniques for Minimizing Caregiver Stress

    A veteran caregiver with more than a decade of experience offers tips for time management and shares his robust system for organizing daily tasks and reducing caregiver stress.

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  • 3 Breathing Exercises to Increase Oxygen Levels and Fight Stress

    Deep breathing exercises are a simple, drug-free way for seniors and family caregivers to reduce stress and anxiety and improve their respiratory health. Practicing these techniques for a few minutes daily can help your lungs function more efficiently.

  • Mindfulness: How to Pay Attention to What’s Really Important

    It's not just another buzzword; mindfulness can be extremely beneficial for caregivers who struggle to remain focused and positive while trying to meet a loved one’s ever-changing needs.

  • Caregiver Stress May Be Deadlier for Women

    Chronic stress can lead to heart problems, sleep disorders, inflammation, compromised immune function and depression. All caregivers must learn to effectively manage their stress levels. Otherwise, our care recipients may outlive us.

  • Find Your 'Stress Busters'

    From one caregiver to another, you must develop ways to relieve your stress. Here's how to find what works best for you.

  • Putting it in Writing May Relieve Your Stress

    While caring for my husband with dementia I've learned that writing has helped Charlie and I express ourselves and cope with difficult emotions in a more productive way.

  • 5 Nurse-Approved Relaxation Tips for Family Caregivers

    Professional nurses are skilled at balancing the needs of multiple people at once, without getting overwhelmed. A registered nurse shares her best strategies for minimizing stress and avoiding caregiver burnout.

  • Financial Stress Alters Elderly Drinking and Smoking Habits

    Financial stress may lead elders to drink and smoke more. Financial stress may be compelling certain groups of elderly to drink and smoke more while simultaneously encouraging other groups to drink and smoke less.

  • Stress Speeds Up Brain Changes Linked to Alzheimer's Disease

    Recent research suggests that exposure to chronic stress can accelerate the formation of brain plaque bundles associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease.

  • Coping with Caregiving: How to End the Habit of Emotional Eating

    Caregivers often turn to food as a source of comfort in times of stress. Use these steps to create a less stressful caregiving experience and stop emotional eating.

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