Caregiver Stress

  • 6 Surprising Ways to Instantly Lower Stress

    Do you feel stressed out? Here are some surprising (and quick) ways to instantly let go of stress.

  • 6 Simple At-Home Stress Relievers

    As a family caregiver, you know you need to de-stress, but who has the time and money for regular yoga classes or professional massages? Try using these six simple ways to reduce stress in the comfort of your own home.

  • 8 Ways to Stop Caregiver Stress Now

    Has being a family caregiver affected your mental health? Take these simple steps to reduce your stress levels, beat caregiver burnout, and improve your quality of life.

  • Dementia in Women: How Is It Different?

    Dementia is more common in women due to risk factors like longer life expectancy, hormones, depressive conditions, and caregiving.

  • Am I Ready for This? Attending a Caregiver Support Group

    Family caregivers face difficult emotional and logistical challenges while caring for aging and ill loved ones. You’ve probably heard the suggestion to seek out a caregiver support group, but what exactly does that entail and is it a good fit for you?

  • Be Grateful this Holiday Season

    The holidays are a busy and emotional time, but with a few simple organizational tips and reminders to be appreciative for all that you have, you can have a happy and meaningful season.

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  • Loving Yourself: A Caregiver’s Ultimate Challenge

    Many caregivers tend to lose sight of their value during long, difficult stints of providing care for those they love. Learn how to break out of this damaging mindset and assert your worth with these dos and don’ts.

  • 6 Steps to Help You Survive the Holidays While Caregiving

    The holiday season is always stressful, but when you add caregiving to the mix, the season for love and sharing can become almost too much to handle. Here's how Charlie and I cope.

  • Seeking Sanctuary in the Shower

    My husband’s diagnosis brought forth a host of emotions. I was new to caregiving and seeing him suffer was causing me to crack. The only place I was free to be afraid and cry quickly became my refuge.

  • Why Meditation is Now a Treasured Part of My Daily Routine

    I meditate at least twice every day. Once -- and by far the most helpful -- in my own strange, wacky way; another by following specific instructions. Both help me.

  • 5 Shirley Temple Songs to Lift Your Spirits

    Acclaimed actress, beverage namesake, diplomat; the late Shirley Temple Black wore many hats during her 85 years of life.

  • The Aftermath of Long-Term Caregiving: Is Stress the New Normal?

    After years of caregiving, it may seem as though stress is the new normal, but there are positive personal changes that arise from taking care of a loved one.

  • Is Caregiving Good or Bad for Your Health?

    Countless studies have highlighted the detrimental effects that caring for an ill or aging loved one can have on one’s physical and mental health, but other research suggests that there are some benefits of being a family caregiver.

  • How Caregiving Can Change Your Personality

    There’s no getting around it: being a long-term family caregiver is bound to impact how you think and who you are as a person. Discover how to recognize and embrace some of the personality changes caused by caregiving.

  • Family Caregivers Benefit From Individualized Support

    Family caregivers face singular situations and may thus benefit from individualized support, according to a new study.

  • The Link Between Dementia and Depression

    Depression and the early stages of dementia share many symptoms, making it hard to distinguish the two. Can a diagnosis of cognitive impairment cause a senior to become depressed, or can depression cause dementia?

  • The Dangers of Broken Heart Syndrome

    The symptoms of broken heart syndrome often mimic a heart attack and in rare instances can be just as deadly. Learn how managing emotional stress helps safeguard your cardiac health.

  • The Stress-Management Strategy Dementia Caregivers Should Adopt

    What if there was something you could do to simultaneously reduce your stress and slow down the mental decline of your loved one with dementia?

  • PTSD: Caregivers and Combat Veterans Share a Common Emotional Enemy

    Although PTSD is commonly associated with survivors of disasters, the emotional strain of caregiving can have serious and unexpected long-term effects on a caregiver’s mental health.

  • How I Survived Caregiving

    This is my story about how I committed to caregiving, adapted to my role, overcame caregiver burnout, and learned to thrive despite the many hurdles and setbacks I faced.

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