
My grandparent just had an accident for the first time yesterday and didn't even know it. (I'm not sure how you don't know in the first place, but anyway...)

I didn't even know it either I guess 'til we were at the doctor and we had to stop back at my apartment to clean her up & wash her clothes. It was the first time. Should I consider diapers now just in case?

(Also, I've realized this isn't something I can do on a daily basis. I might have to consider a retirement home for her instead of waiting on assisted living.)

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No, it was a bowel movement. She does have urinary problems, but they are not linked to UTI. Also, CapnHardass - you'd be surprise how unreal it is to clean poop off your own parents. Luckily, mine is able enough to have taken a shower on her own, but one of these days..

The thing is she doesn't live with me. So, imagine if it happened and THEN I'd have to clean a couch on top of that? I cannot do that.
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our home care nurse said i may be a decent caregiver but wait till i have to clean up crap. im a grown man i think i can clean up crap. it isnt rocket science.. sexist twit !!
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When people become incontinent, they do not feel that they have to go or that they are even going. Diapers would probably be a good thing, as well as waterproof pads on the bed and wherever your grandmother sits during the day. Did the doctor check her for UTI? This can sometimes cause temporary incontinence.

It is good you recognize your limitations (we all have them). This is better for your health than waiting until you are exhausted and burnt out. You will still be taking care of your grandmother just in a different manner. Best of luck!
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