
I have a complicated situation. I am now in charge of my father's care and a disabled sister. I have power of Attorney over both of them now. My Dad is suffering from Dementia. So I was not able to get him to revise his will to his wishes. Both my parents were taken advantage of when they were both in a vulnerable state. (Car accident and stroke)One of my sister's in a 4 year period took all their savings and cash out of their accounts in a sneeky way (automatic Debit) and persuaded my mother to pay her bills for her. and even buy her a car. By the time my mother passed away (I believe from the stress of not being able to pay their own bills) They were $500. and $600. under on their accounts. Both thier savings were depleated and my father at the time of my mother's death didn't even have money to buy food. He says he knew this was going on but was unable to do anything about it because he didn't want to upset my Mom. He says he doesn't want to give my sister anymore of his money from his estate since she got everything else. To add to the drama I have another sister that refused to help with him and has said she will not be part of the family anymore and just wants to know when he dies. I have been left alone to take care of him and my disabled sister. I only want to do whats best for them. But I also don't want to see my unhelpful sisters profit from abandoning the family. I have just recently placed my father in Rehab and it looks like he may have to stay. I was wondering if I can sell his property to help him and my sister out with thier care and use some to help with my own housing situation and not be obligate to save anything to give to the two that have disowned the family? I know if my father had had more time to work on a new will he would have cut them out completely and left me with his property so I could take care of my disabled sister. But before his Dementia got the better of him he was convenced to just do a basic will and was planning on fixing it later with more details. What I want to do is I guess sneeky also but I don't want anything left to fight over with my siblings when he dies. So am I obligated or legally suposed to hang onto his property to divid up after his death? or can I sell everything off and do the right thing by my Dad and sister who really need the majority of the estate anyway?

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oh misuse pergatory juju. the caregiver is a domestic partner and the finances will blur all lines. my mom has been paying my bills for 6 months, ive been giving her my cash income to substitute. records shmecords, if i dont have any more credibility on the town square than to be suspect of abuse, well, sue ( blow ) me..
try not to stress over it. we tend to mistrust the judicial system but in my experience they arent stupid..
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@ schmoombeam,
i aint reading all that, not even at gunpoint. im going to go eat dog with juju..
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Can't say I blame you. Much of it was for my own edification. I just hate to see fighting over our parents, family and loved ones. No one will win in this situation and It is so sad. Power of attorney would help take care of the current crises but without it, it is impossible in our state to supersede a will. But I hope what each one does for their loved ones is for love and not for an inheritance. And it sounds like there is not much money anyway, just a lot of legal problems. You can get help from your local Ombudsman office and free advice from their attorney's. And I have worked in law, and you need to be careful in selecting an attorney, many will rip you off. You need a contract up front, but Not an open check book. Enjoy your dinner. lol

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ill bet youll find that the executor and especially caregiver are favored heavily by the courts and laws. my friends mother passed away unexpectantly a few years ago and the attorney holding the will just automatically shifted everything out of view of the two non contributing siblings. when they protested he told em to hire an atty and lets dance for a few years..
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Wow, here we go...another topic causing me great stress right now! I did the same thing hardass's friend did... Bro's n I are separated by restraining orders and the filed false allegations againg me for elder abuse financially and physically....tried evicting me when I went to move back in to dads house he had moved into ,while I cared for ma at mine 2 hrs away.. So I had been thru nearly a year of hell with them and dad so we sold moved outta state and have never talked to em since saw a lawyer here and explained the situation and changed me to the reciepient of their only asset, the property which we owe on anyway, I digress, and them only if I am already gone...and how bat s**t crazy I am I found out later I could have just given them their share with a stipulation I execute they are homeless and would just piss what little there is away...I would only allow healthcare so as they mite try to get healthy...after they did this to me.........anyway I fear there are open investigation on me somewhere back home idk....I just know my brother is crazy and when he gets focused on someone oh good lord! If I have mismanaged any of moms funds (which I haven't but in the laws eyes I may have..i didn't/dont keep good records. I am barely getting by with adl's for goodness sake anyway... if I know him he will make sure I go down for it no matter how long I have slaved with ma... my only savior is he is crazy and most can see that!!! but the misuse thing ....oh that scares me!!!
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Wow! I guess I opened a can of worms?
Thanks for the advice and words wisdom. I guess I got caught up in my Dad being angry with what my sister did. I know now that my only responsibility is to take care of him and use his estate to help him in his time of need. I will not worry about what is left over for them to fight over. I just felt bad for him and my disabled sister (who couldn't understand why two of her sister's couldn't act like adults and go to their mother's funeral.) I think they hated our Dad (and me for helping him) so much they didn't even think how not going would hurt our other sister. I have always been a very forgiving person and never let the crazy things my sisters did prevent me from trying to be nice to them. I remember talking to my Mom a few weeks before she passed away and her biggest concern was that when she went (her daughters would stop talking to each other). she knew that the other two had problems and would cary grudges and she worried no one would try to keep in touch with each other. I told her I would try but she knew they would not. I even talk to one of them around that time and told her what Mom said. And with no hesitation she said ( she's right ) which ment she was already planning on cutting me and others off. (very sad) But I know now I cant worry about them anymore and will just concentrate on the family members I have left.
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Sorry bluebird!!!! I sent you a message!
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Bluebird12- I'll bet you never got an answer to your questions, but certainly two of the writers have been having their own quarrel and inappropriate responses. Let's first address the issue of selling the house. Did your father "quit-claim" the house to you? I believe your POA will allow you to sell it (if you can find a buyer), and you can use those funds for your father and sister. I do not envy you being put in this position with your other siblings, and perhaps you can consult an attorney specializing in family dispute matters. Good luck!
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ferris: Apologies have been made! We all make a mistake, now n then!
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and humor has been documented as excellent way to relieve stress and burnout symptoms.
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