
Am I being petty or what? I am the live in caretaker and from a dysfunctional family. Father recently fell and was in hospital. While there my siblings had multiple friends of theirs coming in, which wore me out since I have reached caregiver burnout long ago, and I suspect it wore my dad out as well, but he didn't want to offend.
Now, back at home, they are coming in telling me that this person and that is planning to come by. I have not slept in three days. I have not cleaned the house in two weeks (there has been more than one hospital visit.) I am already stressed and what really ticks me off is that no one ever asks how I am doing or if I am up to hosting visitors, cleaning up, and trying to keep someone from wandering off in the middle of the night ( yes, I was afraid to go to sleep for fear of his falling)
Doctor is telling me that my health is getting worse. Telling my family about this goes in one ear and out the other.
I am the youngest and feel like my opinion has never mattered, and that I am not as important as other family members - but of course I am expected to do most of the work.
Honest opinions, anybody?
(Can I just hit them over the head or something?)

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Go to the nearest mirror. Rehearse.

"I'm sorry. That won't work. Try to schedule your friends' visits for when you can be here to entertain them. That'll be sooo helpful for me. It'll give me some respite."

Repeat ten or twenty times until it just comes out naturally. Oh, when you rehearse, be sure to smile. The words will come out a bit softer that way.
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I wouldn't hit them over the head. You would break whatever you used.
Helpful Answer (7)

LivingSouth, please clarify who's house is everyone living in? If it is Dad's house, then everyone has to obey by Dad's rules. If visitors are coming, whomever had invited the visitors need to do the cleaning.

You sound very burnt out. Please remember that 40% [up from the 30%] of caregivers pass on while taking care of a love one. Those are terrible odds. My gosh, what would everyone do if that happened to you?

Since your doctor is giving you a stern warning, you need to do something pretty quick. Can you afford to move out on your own? How is your Dad's overall health? I see on your profile you also take care of your Mom. Any thoughts about assisted living? Otherwise, you'd be making plans for Assisted Living for yourself.
Helpful Answer (6)

Honest opinion? This is mine. Time to set boundaries, and stick to them.

Establish visitation and length of visit. Perhaps 1 hour in the morning and another in the afternoon and no more than 1 or 2 visitors at a time.

Your father needs his down time. Too many visitors can wear down someone recovering from a medical crisis and delay his recovery. The rules are for him - make that clear.

If the rules aren't honored, don't let the people in. Put a sign on the door stating "rest time", or something like that and just don't answer the door.

If you have to be blunt, do it.
Helpful Answer (4)

Call a taxi or 911 for yourself and have them take you out of there.
Or, when the guests arrive, say: "Oh, I am so glad you are here! I will be right back, please don't leave dad alone, I will be back. By the time they can ask where you are going, or say, oh, we can't stay, you are already exiting the driveway.
Be sure to call sibs to come over and entertain the visitors, because you just can't make it back in time. Oops! That was such a quick call, they're not sure they heard you right. Honestly!
Helpful Answer (4)

Has anyone noticed that other's rghts take precedence over a caregiver's rights, and the mantra that 'Nothing can be done' just irks me. It is like waiving a red flag in front of a bull when you tell me that, because peeps, do something! The caregiver's are backed into impossible situations, and then expected to be okay with ill persons having rights that they are too sick to handle.! I am getting tired of finding neighbors who have fallen, are alone, and had no help because "nothing could be done."
The poster here is headed for caregiver burnout.
Living South, you are not being petty. I hope things change for you soon, for when you are able to stand up for yourself.
Helpful Answer (3)

[[In fact, when I bring up that we do not need people marching in, I am told that it's my dad's decision, and that I should just LEAVE if I don't like it.]]

Actually, leaving sounds like the best solution to this situation. What would it take for you to move out? As in, do you need to get an outside job? Sell extra stuff? Squirrel away some money for a security deposit? It sounds like the only way your work will be valued is when you're not there to do it for them anymore....
Helpful Answer (2)

I can see how a part-time job is all you can handle on top of the full-time job of family caregiver.

Ask your doctor and/or your father's doctor for a referral to a good social worker. SW job is to connect people and the resources they need. Let her surprise you with ideas that you never thought of, or never thought possible, for improving your own and your father's situations.
Helpful Answer (2)

You may qualify for respite care. A caregiver would do your job for a day. If the folks are uncomfortable with that, take a bubble bath and a nap, so they know you are in house, but need to care for you, so you are ready to care for them. After a few days of respite care, say one day a week, they may get used to this, and you can go somewhere for a few hours. Then it could be okay for the whole day. Aging parents have more anxiety, because they have less control in their own home. As you would ease a child into a new situation, your parents need time, repetition, and then they may trust in the changes they are facing. My husband and I are disabled. He is a quadriplegic, and very adept in many ways, because he was born with his disability. I am disabled with degenerative diseases and other issues that cause chronic pain. He has a care giver every morning and evening to take care of his personal care, prepare meals and some housework. I married him six years ago, and I finally realized that we are living in an institution, of sorts. I have been able to ask each care giver to clean up after themselves. I set up rules for the use of our appliances, so they aren't trashed. And I have one room with the door locked, to keep anything valuable. My medications are in a locked box. And I am in PJ's most days. My husband runs his own business, and people are in and out while he works.
So, no one but you has the job. You set the rules. But don't be naive. And be yourself. Respite care will keep you sane and give you a better perspective. And make a friend, or find a group for caregivers. You need to vent, but to others. Mom is still Mom and will expect you to respect her. It is a good way to.honor her
Helpful Answer (1)

CONTINUED...sorry, I am a.lousy texter, too. I understand that you are still in your parents' home. Even though the work you are doing is demanding, stressful and not always appreciated, it is worth it. You are able to adjust many things. You will never change your parents. Age will do that. Hold your ground when it comes to who comes and goes. If they are rude, let them be rude. If they think they are able to do a better job than you, remember that actions speak and words don't. You would be offered a break. But they don't stay to help!
Miy parents are both gone, and I helped my Mom. She had Alzheimer's and mental illness. Sometimes she was mean. And she made up things to hurt. I was running a child day care for 14 kids, with a helper. Some days I cried. And I have great memories, too. Even though those times were trying, I learned so much. I learned about unconditional love, forgiveness, patience, how to set and say what my expextations were, and most importantly, time is short and gratitude.
I got to see my divorced parents before they passed. And I have been able to grow past their struggles. I know my sons have been able to grow past mine. I couldn't wish anything better for them. I hope you know how important you are. Not many people are able to give care. It's just not in them.
Hang in there and show up every day, and keep their backs. Even if no one appreciates you, your parents need care. And you are able to step up. Do be realistic and avoid pitfalls. Burn-out. Poor me pity will suck up all of your good efforts. Isolation. Any hurdle will become a mountain. Vent to the right people. It feels hurtful to the people who raised you, if they hear that you are not happy caring for them. No two days are ever the same. Tomorrows are hope. They call today the present because it is a present(gift) and look for the things that you are thankful for. Life is short. I believe all things happen for a reason. Yeah, relax. Nap when they do. It's going to be okay. Oh, yes, you are not alone!
I look up to you, and am so glad to know that your parents have you now. Not many people are cared for, and you are the one person that allows them to stay in their home. That is huge! I am glad to have read your post and hope you get the care you need.
My late husband committed suicide under our home. He was a Vietnam Veteran and had Hep-C. The VA HOSPITAL prescribed interferon and told him that he would have mood swings and flu-like symptoms. I found out that it causes suicidal thoughts and acts. I lost our home, my business, income, and him. It took many years for me to heal. I would never have imagined that would happen. It changed my perspective of time, and the choices we make with our time. You are taking the high road. That is a happy, good choice.
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