My Dad just got out of hosp again due to breathing he has chf, dibeatics, prostrate cancer, hbp, osto arthritis. Been at hosp 5x in 2 yrs. I've come to my ropes end, none of my family is or can't help out of 5. I do the appt, meds, house stuff, driver, sometimes alots groceries. I can't breath. Just me & my cat Holly which saves me. I have 6 grandchildren but can't c them much. I feel I gave up my kids & grandchildren to take care my parents. On top of that I caregiver 3 days a Wk live in I must have lost my mind. I had 2 huge cyst's taken out 9 wks today huge surgery & at the same time diagnosis with dibeatics, I can't sleep, feel totally overwhelmed & drained. Parents won't agree to getting a caregiver cuz I'm it. Can't get them to understand I Am Not Superwomen I can't do it all. Dad will call me almost everyday & ask if I'm coming over. I wanna run away can anyone out there understand I feel so alone here.
What you do when your dad calls next is tell him that you can't come over, that you're taking some time for yourself and that you need a break. Give him the name of some home healthcare agencies in you area and let him know that you can no longer do this alone, you need your own life. Tell him what you told us.
But we can't expect people to figure out what we need. We can't expect someone to see that we need help. We're the only one who can do this for ourselves, no one else can or will do it. Take responsibility and get yourself some down time and time with your own family.
This is a solvable problem.