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A crisp $20 is a safe bet that most caregivers can accept without having to "report" it to their agency. In addition, you may consider throwing in a gas card and/or grocery card. Considering how little money these people get paid, helping them with everyday expenses is well within the spirit of the season.
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Agentsmith Dec 2022
Good answer. Short and simple. So sad that people who care for people get paid the least of anyone.
There may be a different answer if you have hired through an agency or if you have a private hire caregiver.
Some agencies my have a policy about what an employee can get as a gift. (the agency relies on the employee to report gifts, if they do or don't that is another story.)
A $25.00 cash or gift card would be a good holiday gift.
If the caregiver is an employee of a facility MC or AL again $25.00 would be good if there is one or two that are your LO's caregivers but I would also bring a tray of cookies, or a sandwich tray to the staff to share. Keep in mind that in a facility there is staff 24/7 and the late night and others that you rarely see should also be included.
What would be appreciated is a well written letter or card thanking "Becky" for the care and dedication. A copy to the caregiver and a copy to the facility or agency if they are not privately hired.
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I doubt if an AL or MC would allow gift giving. You need to check with them. Our Nurses were not allowed to take cash but we used to get a lot of goodies from clients. Some were even good to the Secretaries.

I would check with an agency. Private pay, thats between u and them. Depending on ur finances, you could give a weeks pay or a days pay. Gift cards.

If its a NH situation the aides change all the time. For them and Nursing staff maybe something baked. Order lunch in.
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I give a weeks salary. My caregiver comes 4 to 5 days a week (8 hours a day) Question for all you people suggesting $20 - $25 dollars. Did you ever work outside of the home? Did you receive a Xmas bonus or end of year bonus from your place of employment? Was it $20 - $25 dollars for the hard work you did?

Caregiving is not an easy job and If your caregiver is doing an amazing job they deserve a decent Xmas/bonus. Most of them make between $15 to $18 and hour.

I was sadden to see the $ suggestions.
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Caldinea Dec 2022
This isn't a bonus though... it's a present for Christmas. A yearly bonus =/= Xmas gift.
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My parents have two caregivers. I decided to give each $100 cash because I appreciate what they are doing. Essentially they are there doing the job that I choose not to do. My sister will also be giving them cash. I did not tell my parents I gave them money. Figured it is not necessary to mention.

i learned dedicated caregivers are hard to come by and it is important that they know they are appreciated. If they are good, you want to keep them.
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A gift card ($20 or $25)
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Whatever you can afford and think they deserve. I do believe some caregivers are just biding time, and some have a true heart for it, and put there heart into it. A special note with it letting them know how much you appreciate them, not only feeds their soul but gives them documentation for future jobs.
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As much as you can afford. Good caregivers are worth their weight in gold!
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The caregiver for my wife works 3 days a week, 8 hours each day. After going through several caregivers all hired privately I found a really good one. She knows her job and is good at it. I'd hate to lose her and have to start again. After asking a lot of people the consensus was a weeks pay. Think about it. A gift card or a measly $20-100 bucks for someone so important to the well being of your loved one is not enough.
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My Dad had 3 shifts of caregivers per day at home. The caregivers who were regularly scheduled for 1st shift and 3rd shift I gave a $50 Target gift card. The 2nd shift rarely the same person showing up as it was a difficult shift to fill.

I did check with the Agency first, and they said it was ok to give out holiday gifts.
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